How to Convert Decimal to Non Decimal in JavaScript? - onlyxcodes

Sunday 28 May 2023

How to Convert Decimal to Non Decimal in JavaScript?

In this article, you will see how to convert decimal to non decimal in JavaScript.

convert decimal to non decimal in javascript - how to format integer 2 decimals in javascript - how to convert to 2 digit decimal in javascript -  how to get value after decimal point in javascript - how to get number of digits after decimal in javascript - how to get one digit after decimal in javascript

Table Content

1. How to convert decimal to non decimal in JavaScript?

2. How to format integer 2 decimals in JavaScript?

3. How to convert to 2 digit decimal in JavaScript?

4. How to get value after decimal point in JavaScript?

5. How to get number of digits after decimal in JavaScript?

6. How to get one digit after decimal in JavaScript?

How to convert decimal to non decimal in JavaScript?

Use JavaScript's parseInt() or Math.floor() functions to convert a decimal number into a non-decimal number. Here is how to go about it:

Using parseInt() function:

		<title>How to convert decimal to non decimal in JavaScript</title>
			//Using parseInt() function:

			let decimalNumber = 10.5; // Example decimal number
			let nonDecimalNumber = parseInt(decimalNumber);
			console.log(nonDecimalNumber); // Output: 10

Using Math.floor() function:

		<title>How to convert decimal to non decimal in JavaScript</title>

			//Using Math.floor() function:

			let decimalNumber = 10.5; // Example decimal number
			let nonDecimalNumber = Math.floor(decimalNumber);

			console.log(nonDecimalNumber); // Output: 10

The functions parseInt() and Math.floor() remove the decimal place and return the whole number to convert a decimal value to an integer. 

Be aware that these techniques do not round the numbers; they simply eliminate the decimal point.

How to format integer 2 decimals in JavaScript?

Use the toFixed() function in JavaScript to format an integer with two decimal places. It's crucial to keep in mind that toFixed() converts the number into a string. 

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to format integer 2 decimals in JavaScript</title>
			let number = 42;
			let formattedNumber = number.toFixed(2);
			console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: "42.00"	

The number variable in the example above is given a toFixed(2) call, which transforms the number into a string representation with two decimal places. 

The formattedNumber variable is then given the resultant string, "42.00".

Please note that toFixed() will round the number to the chosen decimal places if the original number had decimal places. 

For instance:

In this case, the original number, 42.5678, is rounded to two decimal places, resulting in "42.57".

		<title>How to format integer 2 decimals in JavaScript</title>
			let number = 42.5678;
			let formattedNumber = number.toFixed(2);

			console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: "42.57"


How to convert to 2 digit decimal in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, you may use the toFixed() method combined with some additional formatting to convert a number to a two-digit decimal.

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to convert to 2 digit decimal in JavaScript</title>
			function convertToTwoDigitDecimal(number) 
				// Convert the number to a string with two decimal places
				var decimalString = number.toFixed(2);
				// If the number is already a two-digit decimal, return it as is
				if (decimalString.length === 4) {
					return decimalString;
				// If the number is a whole number, append ".00"
				if (decimalString.indexOf('.') === -1) {
					return decimalString + '.00';
				// If the number has only one decimal place, append a trailing zero
				if (decimalString.length === 3) {
				return decimalString + '0';
				return decimalString;

			// Usage example:
			var number = 5;
			var twoDigitDecimal = convertToTwoDigitDecimal(number);
			console.log(twoDigitDecimal); // Output: "5.00" 

The function convertToTwoDigitDecimal in the code above becomes an integer to a string representation with two decimal places. 

It handles various cases: if the number is already a two-digit decimal, it returns it as is; if the number is a whole number, it appends ".00"; and if the number has only one decimal place, it appends a trailing zero.

How to get value after decimal point in JavaScript?

There are several ways in JavaScript to retrieve the value following the decimal point. Here are a few typical methods:

Using the modulo operator (%):

After dividing an integer by 1, you can use the modulo operator to determine the remainder. The number following the decimal point is the remainder. 

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to get value after decimal point in JavaScript</title>
			//Using the modulo operator (%):
			var number = 3.14159;
			var decimalPart = number % 1;
			console.log(decimalPart); // Output: 0.14159

Using the split() method:

You can split the number using the decimal point as a separator by converting it to a string. The value following the decimal point will be the second entry of the resulting array. 

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to get value after decimal point in JavaScript</title>
			//Using the split() method:
			var number = 3.14159;
			var decimalPart = number.toString().split('.')[1];
			console.log(decimalPart); // Output: 14159

Using the Math.floor() or parseInt() function:

To obtain the decimal portion, use either Math.floor() or parseInt() to subtract the integer portion of the original number from it. 

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to get value after decimal point in JavaScript</title>
			//Using the Math.floor() function:
			var number = 3.14159;
			var decimalPart = number - Math.floor(number);
			console.log(decimalPart); // Output: 0.14159

Alternatively with parseInt() function,

		<title>How to get value after decimal point in JavaScript</title>
			//Using the parseInt() function:
			var number = 3.14159;
			var decimalPart = number - parseInt(number);
			console.log(decimalPart); // Output: 0.14159*/

These are just a few methods to extract the value after the decimal point in JavaScript. Choose the method that suits your needs best.

How to get number of digits after decimal in JavaScript?

You can use the following strategy in JavaScript to determine how many digits are following the decimal point:

Use the toString() function to convert the integer into a string.

To determine where the decimal point is located, use the indexOf() function.

If there is a decimal point, deduct its location from the length of the string used to represent the number. You will then know how many digits there are following the decimal point.

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to get number of digits after decimal in JavaScript</title>
			function getDigitsAfterDecimal(number) 
				var str = number.toString();
				var decimalIndex = str.indexOf('.');
				if (decimalIndex !== -1) {
					return str.length - decimalIndex - 1;
				return 0;

			// Example usage
			var num1 = 10.25;
			var num2 = 3.14159;
			var num3 = 7;

			console.log(getDigitsAfterDecimal(num1)); // Output: 2
			console.log(getDigitsAfterDecimal(num2)); // Output: 5
			console.log(getDigitsAfterDecimal(num3)); // Output: 0

The getDigitsAfterDecimal() function in the above example accepts an integer as input and returns the number of digits following the decimal point. 

Using indexOf(), it determines whether the decimal point is present in the string that represents the integer. 

If it does, it determines how many digits there are by deducting the decimal index from the string's length minus 1. It returns 0 if there is no decimal point.

How to get one digit after decimal in JavaScript?

Using the toFixed() method in JavaScript, you may retrieve the digit immediately following the decimal point. This method prepares a number and returns it as a string with a predetermined number of digits after the decimal point.

Here's an illustration:

		<title>How to get one digit after decimal in JavaScript</title>
			let number = 3.14159;
			let formattedNumber = number.toFixed(1);

			console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: "3.1"

In the above example, the number variable is formatted using toFixed(1) to have one digit added after the decimal point, and the formatted value is then assigned to the formattedNumber variable. The outcome is "3.1" as the value.

Please be aware that the formatted number is returned as a string by the toFixed() method. Use parseFloat() or Number() to convert the number back to a numeric type if you need to use it for additional computations or comparisons.

This modified example uses parseFloat() to change the formattedNumber back into a floating-point value.

		<title>How to get one digit after decimal in JavaScript</title>
			let number = 3.14159;
			let formattedNumber = parseFloat(number.toFixed(1));

			console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: 3.1


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