How to Display an Array in jQuery - onlyxcodes

Friday 26 May 2023

How to Display an Array in jQuery

You will learn how to display an array in jQuery in this article, complete with code and outcomes.

A collection or list-like data structure that can hold many components of any data type is referred to as an array in jQuery. It is a fundamental idea that is utilized in both jQuery and JavaScript to store and modify sets of values.

Square brackets ([]) are used in jQuery to generate an array. The array's elements are separated by commas. Here is a jQuery array demonstration:

var fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];

how to display an array in jquery

Display an Array using jQuery

To display an array using jQuery, you can follow these steps:

1. Wherever you wish to display the array, create an HTML element. For instance, you can use jQuery to target an <div> element with a particular ID.

<div id="arrayDisplay"></div>

2. Make the array that you want to display in JavaScript. Let's say for the sake of demonstration that you have an array of numbers:

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

3. To update the HTML element's content with the array values, use jQuery to pick the element by ID. The element's HTML content can be set using the .html() method.

$('#arrayDisplay').html(numbers.join(', '));

The array's items are joined into a string using the numbers.join(', ') statement, which uses commas and spaces to separate them. The HTML content of the chosen element is then set to this string.

The array will now be displayed in the designated HTML element when your code is executed. The numbers array will be shown in this example as "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" inside the <div> with the ID "arrayDisplay".

Here's the complete code:

This HTML file will display the array as "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" in the designated <div> element when you access it in a web browser.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Display Array using jQuery</title>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="arrayDisplay"></div>

    var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    $('#arrayDisplay').html(numbers.join(', '));

How to get array value by key in jQuery?

In jQuery, you may use the following syntax to get an array's value by using a key:

In this illustration, the object myArray has keys and values. Use square brackets ([]) and the key name as a string to get the value linked to a particular key. 

In this situation, the value 'canada' will be returned by myArray['key2'].

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Display Array using jQuery</title>
  <script src=""></script>

	var myArray = {
		key1: 'usa',
		key2: 'canada',
		key3: 'australia'

	var keyValue = myArray['key2'];

You can also use dot notation (.) to access the value, like this:

var keyValue = myArray.key2;

Code Example,

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Display Array using jQuery</title>
  <script src=""></script>

	var myArray = {
		key1: 'usa',
		key2: 'canada',
		key3: 'australia'

	var keyValue = myArray.key2;

Both methods will produce the same outcome, and keyValue will have the value "canada" in it.

Please be aware that an array data structure is not a feature of jQuery itself. The above sample of code illustrates how to use keys to obtain values from a JavaScript object.

How to create an array of objects in jQuery?

You can use jQuery to build an array of items by following these steps:

1. To hold your objects, declare an empty array.

var objectArray = [];

2. Use the object literal syntax or the jQuery $.extend() method to create unique objects:

var object1 = $.extend({}, { name: 'John', age: 25 });
var object2 = { name: 'Steve', age: 30 };

3. Use the push() method to include the objects in the array:


If more objects are required for the array, just repeat the previous steps.

Here is an illustration showing the entire procedure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Display Array using jQuery</title>
  <script src=""></script>

	var objectArray = [];

	var object1 = $.extend({}, { name: 'John', age: 25 });
	var object2 = { name: 'Steve', age: 30 };





This will produce the object array shown below:

	{ name: 'John', age: 25 },
	{ name: 'Steve', age: 30 }

How to get value from Array of objects in jQuery?

You may combine array iteration methods with object property access in jQuery to retrieve a value from an array of objects. Here's an illustration:

Assume that your array, myArray, contains objects with attributes like name and age. You may use jQuery to get the value of the name property from each object in the array of the function .each()

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Display Array using jQuery</title>
  <script src=""></script>

	// Sample array of objects
	var myArray = [
		{ name: 'John', age: 25 },
		{ name: 'Steve', age: 30 },
		{ name: 'Kevin ', age: 35 }

	// Iterate through each object in the array
	$.each(myArray, function(index, obj) {
	  // Access the 'name' property of the current object
	  var name =;
	  // Do something with the 'name' value

In the above example, the .each() function iterates over each object in myArray.

Two arguments are passed to the callback function: index, which is the index of the current object in the array, and obj, which is the actual object. 

You can use bracket or dot notation to access an object's properties within a callback.

We obtain the name property value from each object by accessing, and we then log it to the console. 

You can replace the console.log(name); line with any desired action you want to perform with the retrieved values.

What is the difference between Array and Object in jQuery?

An object and an array are both data structures used in jQuery to store and manipulate collections of values, but they differ significantly in certain important ways.


Array: An array is a sequentially stored, sorted collection of values. An array's values are each given an index, starting at 0, that indicates where they are in the array.

Object: An object is a group of key-value pairs that are not ordered and each value has a specific key. Typically strings and keys in an object are used to access the related values.


Array: Square brackets ([]) are commonly used in jQuery to denote arrays. Commas are used to separate the values in an array.

Object: Curly braces ({}) are used to denote objects in the jQuery framework. An object's key-value pairs are separated by commas, with a colon (:) separating the key from the value.

Accessing Values:

Array: A numeric index can be used to access an array's elements. 

If myArray is an array, for instance, using myArray[2] will allow you to retrieve the value at index 2.

Object: The appropriate keys in an object can be used to access its values. 

You can retrieve a value using or myObject["name"] if myObject is an object with the key-value pair "name": "John" as key-value pair.


Array: Iterating through arrays in jQuery is simple when utilizing loops or built-in functions like $.each(). The iteration order will correspond to the sequential order of the array's items.

Object: Loops and jQuery's $.each() method can also be used to iterate across objects. However, because objects are intrinsically unordered, the sequence of iteration within an object is not guaranteed.

Use Cases:

Array: Arrays are frequently used to represent an ordered collection of data or to maintain lists of related items. They are appropriate in circumstances when the hierarchy of the elements is important.

Object: Objects are frequently used to contain linked data that is arranged according to specific characteristics or properties. When you need to access values based on particular keys or you want to arrange related data together, they can be helpful.


Overall, the fundamental distinction between arrays and objects in jQuery is found in their syntax, structure, and method of accessing values. While objects are unordered collections accessed by keys, arrays are ordered collections accessed by index. Both have their own advantages and are employed in various contexts depending on the data's needs.

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