CodeGym Review 2024: The Pros, Cons, and Features - onlyxcodes

Friday 16 June 2023

CodeGym Review 2024: The Pros, Cons, and Features

Learning to code is seen as a crucial skill for the twenty-first century, and Codegym is a platform for learning the programming language that wants to make programming training available to everyone. 

With its innovative approach and teaching methodology Codegym has become one of the most popular coding schools.

You will discover a comprehensive review of CodeGym in this article, along with a look at its pros and cons.

codegym review

Table Content

1. What is CodeGym?

2. How Does Codegym Work?

3. Features of CodeGym

4. Pros and Cons of CodeGym

5. Curriculum of CodeGym

6. Learning Experience with CodeGym

7. Community Engagement on CodeGym

8. CodeGym Pricing and Plans

9. Conclusion

10. FAQs

What is CodeGym?

An online platform called CodeGym provides interactive programming courses and other tools to help people develop their skills in code. 

It offers a gamified learning experience, which makes it interesting and fun for students.

CodeGym primarily focuses on teaching Java programming, working its way up from the fundamentals to more advanced principles. 

The platform offers a leveled, structured curriculum with several tasks and challenges that must be accomplished at each level.

How Does Codegym Work?

Students at Codegym have access to a self-paced learning environment where they can complete the course material on their own time. There are numerous levels to the program, each of which is intended to teach learners new skills and methods.

Features of CodeGym

Comprehensive Curriculum

The Java programming language curriculum at CodeGym is comprehensive. 

The curriculum is carefully created to offer a step-by-step learning pathway, ensuring that students have a firm foundation in coding principles and methods. 

The principles become ever better as each module builds on the one before it.

Gamified Learning

By adding gamification features to its platform, CodeGym adopts a distinctive approach to learning. 

Your learning journey will be exciting and enjoyable as you go through the Java course and unlock new levels, gain experience points, and complete tasks. 

The gamified learning environment promotes friendly competition among students, inspiring you to pursue excellence and advance your coding skills.

Code Review by Experienced Mentors

The chance to have your code examined by knowledgeable mentors at CodeGym greatly improves your learning experience. 

You may find areas for improvement, improve your coding style, and learn industry best practices thanks to this individualized feedback. 

Your development as a programmer is accelerated by the mentors' advice and insights, which enable you to produce clean, effective code that complies with industry standards.

Practice-Based Learning

Practical assignments make up 80% of the course. Tasks start to occur in the early classes, and they steadily get more challenging. 

On the website, you can do activities that involve code verification and suggestions for improvement.

Career Support

The value of career development in the coding industry is recognized by CodeGym.

It offers tools and direction in addition to the technical curriculum to aid students in choosing career pathways. 

CodeGym provides students with the skills and information they need to ace job interviews, obtain profitable coding employment, and develop great resumes.

Full-Stack Java Course

The curriculum at Codegym is exclusively focused on Java, making it a fantastic choice for anyone wishing to learn how to write in this language.

Learning Projects and Assignments

In order to assist students develop useful coding skills, Codegym offers a variety of learning tasks and exercises.

Integrated IDE

Students can practice coding and debug their code on the Codegym platform without switching between various tools and programs thanks to its integrated IDE.

Peer-to-Peer Support

The Codegym community offers a variety of resources for peer-to-peer support, including discussion forums created to facilitate student interaction while learning.

Pros and Cons of CodeGym


Extensive Curriculum

CodeGym provides an extensive curriculum that covers a variety of Java programming topics. 

Learners can follow a planned learning route that progressively advances their programming skills from fundamental syntax to advanced topics. 

The curriculum is created to give students a strong foundation in Java programming, preparing them for upcoming coding difficulties.

Interactive Learning Experience

Beyond typical textbooks, CodeGym provides an interactive learning environment. 

The platform blends theory with useful coding tasks so that students may use what they have learned right away.

This practical method encourages a deeper comprehension of programming ideas and aids students in developing their coding abilities.

Provides Mobile App

A practical and optimized application for mobile devices has been created by CodeGym experts. 

While climbing the peak of Everest or surfing offshore, users of Android smartphones can access online lectures and do practical activities in Java IDE from any location.

You don't need to worry about being without a computer because all the tools you require are right at your disposal. a forum for Java beginners that is community-driven.

Affordable Pricing

Codegym's pricing is affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of learners. 

The platform offers different pricing options designed to suit different budgets and learning goals.

Community Engagement

The CodeGym community proves to be really useful a lot of the time because getting stuck while coding is common, but staying stuck for too long may be incredibly discouraging.

The blog posts on the CodeGym website inspire learners about the potential of the course they are taking.

The user community is the most important and important aspect of a Java course. 

Learning programming involves dealing with issues, flaws, and concepts that confound learners. On the CodeGym platform, however, you can ask questions and get answers from other students to facilitate fluid and flexible problem-solving.

Accessible anytime, anywhere

CodeGym provides the convenience of learning anytime, anywhere as an online platform. 

The coding tasks are accessible to students via their choice platforms, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Due to the accessibility, people can complete their studies on their own time and at their own speed.

Peer Support and Collaboration

By giving students the chance to communicate with one another, CodeGym promotes a sense of community. 

The site has a forum where users may post queries, exchange concepts, and request assistance from others. 

This peer support system enables a community of learners who may share knowledge and advice and learn from one another in a collaborative learning environment.

CodeGym Other Benefits 

The CodeGym offers a ton of useful workouts and simple concepts. 

The platform offers the flexibility to switch between light and dark themes and the ability to accomplish activities via the IntellijIDEA IDE using a CodeGym plugin.

The platform gives the user plenty of practice, beginning with simple activities, after explaining the bare minimum of necessary theory.

Because the Style Check makes you look like a coding guru, learners adore it.

Repetition of tasks is the job you should do as a learner. However, the majority of people don't do that, so don't worry - CodeGym repeated challenges help you remember more of what you learn.


Limited Programming Languages

CodeGym specializes in teaching Java programming, primarily. You must visit another platform like Udemy if you're interested in learning different programming languages. 


CodeGym offers both free and paid courses, but access to the full curriculum typically requires a subscription or purchase. 

Self-Paced Learning Requires Self-Discipline

The self-paced learning approach that Codegym offers requires students to be disciplined and motivated to complete the course. Some students may find it challenging to stay on track without the structure of a more traditional classroom setting.

Curriculum of CodeGym

The curriculum at Codegym is meant to give students an in-depth comprehension of Java programming. There are numerous levels to the program, each of which is intended to teach learners new skills and methods.

The CodeGym Java training course is broken up into distinct learning parts, including:

1) New Java syntax;

2) Java core;

3) Java Multithreading;

4) Java Collections;

codegym course curriculum

1) New Java syntax

The CodeGym hidden underground is where the New Java Syntax quest was created. It has 16 levels of Java language fundamentals. Even someone who has never programmed before can master it.

codegym new java syntax course

Look at the New Java Syntax course's 16 levels in the graphic below.

codegym new java syntax course levels

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2) Java Core

Those who have already completed introductory Java training are eligible for the Java Core mission.  

You must successfully complete ten exciting stages in order to advance. During this time, you will study the fundamentals of OOP, become familiar with streams, serialization, and method overloading, and discover a lot about interfaces and multiple inheritances.

codegym java core course

View the diagram of the Java Core course, which has 10 levels, below.

codegym java core course levels

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3) Java Multithreading

Students are introduced to the secure CodeGym multithreading area through the Java Multithreading journey. 

You will examine the arrangement of Objects, Strings, and inner classes over the course of 10 stages. 

You'll discover how to start and stop threads, the definition of deadlock, and the functions of the wait, notify, and notifyAll methods. 

You'll learn about auto packing and the specifics of how it's implemented while gaining experience working with jsoup and Swing.

codegym java multithreading course

Look at the diagram of the 10-level Java Multithreading course below.

codegym java multithreading course levels

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4) Java Collections

A thorough examination of Java collections and other topics is the focus of the Java Collections journey. 

How to work with files and archives will be covered in this course. It will go over design patterns in general and how to apply them. 

Working with JSON, Guava, Apache Commons Collections, and JUnit will be explored for you. 

You'll discover the specifics of Java's garbage collection as well as information on Git, JAXB, RMI, and DynamicProxy. 

It will briefly mention JavaScript, another significant programming language. 

codegym java collections course

See the below 10-level Java collections course diagram.

codegym java collections course levels

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Learning Experience with CodeGym

Codegym's Learning Approach

The self-paced learning methodology used by Codegym enables students to progress through the curriculum at their own pace. Learning to code is now more participatory and enjoyable thanks to the platform's gamified approach.

How is Codegym Different from Other Coding Schools?

Due to its unique and gamified method of teaching coding, Codegym stands out from other coding schools. With the help of the platform's capabilities, students may learn to code in a more interactive and engaging way that keeps them focused and motivated.

Gamified Learning with Codegym

The gamified learning methodology used by Codegym makes learning to code more interesting and participatory. Levels, achievements, and incentives are among the platform's game-like components that are intended to keep students interested and motivated.

Interactive Features on Codegym

The platform from Codegym offers a number of interactive learning tools, including an integrated IDE that enables students to practice coding and debug their code without switching between tools.

Personalized Learning Options on Codegym

Students can track their progress and get individualized feedback on their assignments and projects, among other personalized learning choices offered by Codegym.

Community Engagement on CodeGym

Overview of Codegym's Community

Students can interact with a bright and encouraging community of educators and learners while learning at Codegym.

How is Codegym's Community Different from Others?

The community at Codegym stands out due to its encouraging and fun learning style. Peer-to-peer support, social learning, and discussion forums are among the aspects of the platform that are intended to facilitate student interaction.

Benefits of Being Part of CodeGym's Community

Students can benefit from joining the CodeGym community because of the resources and support it provides. Opportunities for peer assistance, social learning, and mentoring are provided by the community.

Social Learning on CodeGym

The CodeGym platform includes a number of social learning tools, including chat rooms and forums meant to facilitate student interaction.

Stories of Successful CodeGym Alumni

Codegym alumni that have found success in the coding business have various success stories to share. For people seeking to begin their careers in coding, these stories may serve as a motivation.

CodeGym Pricing and Plans

Only subscribers may use Codegym. Some early-level content can, nevertheless, be accessed for free; for further information, read below. 

To access any additional lessons, you must have a subscription. Codegym subscriptions come in two different categories, Premium and Premium Pro:  

codegym subscriptions pricing and plans

Premium Subscription ($49 per month) 

Access to all four Codegym activities, each with ten levels, more mini-lessons, and a thousand or more exercises.

codegym premium subscription price is $49

i) IntelliJ IDEA Plugin: A useful and well-liked writing program utilized by many programmers worldwide.

ii) Task Requirements: You can view a list of the requirements your program was expected to meet, along with whether or not it did so, on Codegym. This assists in locating issues in your code so that you can understand why something isn't functioning and fix it.

iii) Task recommendations

For individuals who want to learn the fundamentals of coding, the premium subscription is a wonderful place to start. You have access to all 4 quests as well as a ton of stuff that ranges from basic to advanced. The quantity of exercises also enables you to practice and thoroughly internalize teachings. 

Premium Pro ($99 per month)

A Premium subscription can be upgraded to Premium Pro. All features of Premium are also included in Premium Pro, in addition to:

codegym premium pro subscription price is $99

i) ReCheck:  Tasks that have been finished will have the status "completed" for 3 days. This gives you additional time to experiment with your code and repeatedly check it. Only after three days will it become "closed."

ii) Analysis of your coding style.

Despite being on the more expensive side, the Premium Pro subscription provides you the freedom to experiment with your code. For programmers trying to continually raise their game, this is a crucial feature. 

Codegym Free Trial

You can view trial-level content on the platform for free if you're not sure if CodeGym is right for you. 

codegym free trial price is $0

This includes:

The first level of Codegym (which describes all of its features) 

Community-created content on Codegym (such as blog posts and discussion forums) 

QA guides for learning Java 

Create custom variations of classic games using code.

The free content allows you the opportunity to learn more about the course's structure and determine whether its instructional style is appropriate for you while the rest of the course is behind a barrier. 

Without registering, you can enjoy the trial content. Either a temporary account will be created for you by the system, or it will automatically save your progress. 

To access the various tasks contained in these courses, you must have a registered account. 

For anyone who intends to eventually enroll in this course, I highly advise creating an account because it's free and ensures that lesson progress will be kept.


A cutting-edge and gamified online programming education, Codegym provides students with a whole learning experience. 

Learning to code is now more interactive and fun because of the platform's capabilities, which include integrated IDE and community participation tools. 

Codegym's advantages exceed its disadvantages, despite the fact that it is restricted course selection and is unsuitable for full beginners.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is CodeGym completely free?

You have the chance to pass the first level for nothing on the CodeGym Java course. You can use this to better comprehend CodeGym's features and determine whether or not its teaching style is appropriate for you. Only subscribers will be able to access more content.

What languages does Codegym support?

A number of languages, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, and more, are supported by the Codegym interface.

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