How to get the class name in PHP - onlyxcodes

Thursday 16 November 2023

How to get the class name in PHP

PHP is a dynamic scripting language that offers a wide range of tools and features to developers. Getting the class name is a fundamental part of PHP development and is important in many instances, such as debugging and dynamic class manipulation.

I'll go over several approaches to retrieving and displaying a class name in PHP in this article.

how to get the class name in php

Table Content

1. Understanding PHP Classes

2. Methods to Get Class Names in PHP

3. Conclusion

4. FAQs

Understanding PHP Classes

Classes act as objects' blueprints in the PHP world, giving them structure and encapsulation. It specifies a collection of properties and functions shared by all objects of a certain kind.

The class name is an essential component of object-oriented programming since it is effectively the identifier for a certain class.

Methods to Get Class Names in PHP

1. Using get_class() Function:

PHP's get_class() function is a simple function that yields the name of the class that the given object is an instance of. The current class name is returned if the object parameter is left out.

A single line of code can provide developers with information about the class to which an object belongs.

I defined a function named getName() inside the User class, and I used the 'this' keyword argument to return the get_class() function.

When the "this" keyword is sent as an argument to this function, the class name will be returned. I invoked the getName() method using the User class object that I had generated, $obj.


class User 
	public function getName() 
		echo get_class($this);

$obj = new User();




2. Using the get_called_class() Function

To extract the class name from a static method, you can use the get_called_class() function. The fully qualified class name, including with namespace, is returned.

For instance:

The get_called_class() function is retrieved from a static method named fetchClassName() that I declare in this example.

Next, I used the class name, double colon (::), and method name to invoke the static fetchClassName() function. 

Here is an example of a static method that you can call directly without first generating an instance of the class.


// make a class
class Employee 
	// declare a static function that returns the name of the class which calls it
	public static function fetchClassName() 
		return get_called_class();

//call the static function by using the class name and double colon (::)
echo Employee::fetchClassName(); 




3. Using the ReflectionClass class

In PHP, there is an advanced method for obtaining information about classes through the ReflectionClass class. You build a class and put a function that returns a new Reflection class inside of it.

The parameter for the Reflection class should be set to $this. Subsequently, the Reflection class's getShortName() method can be used to obtain the class name.


//declare a class
class Student 
	//make a function that returns the class name via reflection
	public function getClassName() 
		return (new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName();   
//create an object of a class with the new keyword 
$obj = new Student();

//retrieve the class name 
echo $obj->getClassName();




4. Using the ::class keyword

A more recent method for obtaining a class's class name is the ::class keyword.

::class can be used to retrieve the class name from an object that has been formed from a class.


// create the class
class Employee {
//create a new object
$obj = new Employee();

//retrieve the class name from the object through ::class
echo $obj::class;




Second thing ,

Without first establishing a class object, you may also obtain a class name directly with ::class.

For example,

In this case, I used Employee::class, which generates no objects and returns the fully qualified Employee class name.


// create the class
class Employee {
// retrieve the class name through Employee::class without creating an object
echo Employee::class;





In summary, one of the most important skills for developers to have in PHP is the ability to retrieve the class name. It unleashes the full power of dynamic class modification and improves comprehension of the code. It also helps with debugging. Accept the several approaches presented, make informed decisions based on the facts, and improve your PHP programming skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use get_class() on built-in PHP classes?

Yes, both user-defined and pre-built PHP classes can utilize get_class().

Q: What happens if I try to access a non-existent class constant?

A runtime error will occur if you try to retrieve a class constant that doesn't exist. Put in place appropriate error handling to deal with such instances.

Q: Are there any performance differences between the methods mentioned?

Variations in performance are possible. Take into account the particular needs of your project while selecting the approach.

Q: Can I combine multiple methods to retrieve class names?

While it is feasible, it is normally advised to retain code clarity by selecting the approach that is most suited for the specific case in question.

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