What is the difference between input type text and textarea? - onlyxcodes

Monday 2 September 2024

What is the difference between input type text and textarea?

When developing web forms, choosing the right HTML element is crucial for ensuring optimal user experience and accurate data collection. Two of the most commonly used HTML elements for text input are <input type="text"> and <textarea>.

Even though they both aim to capture text from users, they differ in their features and are made for various use cases.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between these two elements, highlighting their unique features, ideal use cases, and the impact they have on the design and functionality of web forms.

difference between input type text and textarea

What is <input type="text">?

The <input type="text"> element is a versatile and commonly used HTML element that allows users to enter a single line of text. This element is typically employed in forms where a short response is expected, such as entering a name, email address, or password.

It is a self-closing tag, meaning it does not have an end tag, and its content is defined by the value attribute.

<input type="text" name="username">

What is <textarea>?

On the other hand, the <textarea> element is specifically designed for multi-line text input. This element is ideal for scenarios where a longer response is required, such as a user bio, comments, or detailed feedback.

Unlike <input type="text">, <textarea> is not a self-closing tag; it requires both an opening and a closing tag, and the text entered by the user is placed between these tags.

<textarea name="address"></textarea>

Key Differences Between <input type="text"> and <textarea>

1. Structure and Syntax

The most apparent difference between <input type="text"> and <textarea> is their structure and syntax. The <input type="text"> element is a self-contained, self-closing tag, which makes it simple to implement for single-line inputs.

In contrast, the <textarea> element requires both an opening and closing tag, and its structure inherently supports multi-line input.

Example of <input type="text">:

<input type="text" name="firstname">

Example of <textarea>:

<textarea name="comments">Enter your comment here...</textarea>

2. Display and Appearance

The display behavior of these elements also sets them apart. The <input type="text"> element typically renders as a single-line text box, with the length determined by the size attribute or CSS styling. It is ideal for inputs where only a brief response is needed. By default, the <input type="text"> box is small, but it can be customized using CSS to alter its width.

The <textarea> element, however, is displayed as a larger, multi-line text box. It offers more flexibility in terms of input space, as users can type multiple lines of text without restriction. The size of a <textarea> can be controlled using the rows and cols attributes, as well as CSS for more advanced styling.


In this example, I used the rows attribute to determine the number of visible text lines, while the cols attribute controls the width of the text box.

<textarea name="feedback" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>

3. Functionality and Behavior

When it comes to functionality, <input type="text"> is best suited for short, single-line inputs. It automatically limits the user to one line of text, making it perfect for fields such as usernames, passwords, or search queries.

The <textarea> element, conversely, is built for more extensive text entry. It allows for unlimited lines of text, making it the go-to choice for input fields where users need to provide detailed information. Additionally, the <textarea> element supports features like word wrapping, which ensures that long lines of text are wrapped within the box instead of extending beyond its bounds.

4. Accessibility Considerations

From an accessibility perspective, both elements can be used effectively, but they serve different purposes. The <input type="text"> element is straightforward and accessible to screen readers, which will read out the label and the type of input required.

However, for multi-line inputs, screen readers often expect and better handle a <textarea> element due to its ability to contain more complex, descriptive content.

5. Customization and Styling

Both elements can be customized extensively using CSS, but they offer different levels of flexibility. The <input type="text"> element can be easily styled to fit into a variety of form designs, but it is somewhat limited by its single-line nature.

The <textarea> element offers more possibilities for customization, including adjustable height, width, and scrollbars. This flexibility makes it an excellent choice for more complex forms that require enhanced user interaction.

When to Use <input type="text"> vs. <textarea>

Use Cases for <input type="text">

  • Single-Line Inputs: Ideal for inputs that require a single line of text, such as first names, last names, email addresses, or search bars.

  • Short Responses: When you anticipate a brief answer, such as in a form field for a coupon code or a simple query.

  • Minimalist Design: If you want to maintain a clean, simple form layout, <input type="text"> is preferable due to its compact appearance.

Use Cases for <textarea>

  • Multi-Line Inputs: Essential for inputs where users need to provide more than one line of text, such as comments, feedback forms, or detailed descriptions.

  • Detailed Information: Best used in scenarios where users are expected to give a comprehensive response, such as a personal biography, a cover letter, or an article submission.

  • Rich Text Input: Although basic in its default form, <textarea> can be extended with JavaScript to support rich text editing, making it suitable for content management systems or blog comment sections.

Advanced Features and Considerations

1. Placeholders and Default Text

Both <input type="text"> and <textarea> support the use of placeholder text, which provides users with a hint about what should be entered in the field.

However, while the placeholder attribute works similarly in both elements, <textarea> also allows for default text between the tags, which can be particularly useful for pre-filling content.

2. Character Limits

While both elements allow you to set character limits, the approach differs slightly. For <input type="text">, you can use the maxlength attribute to limit the number of characters a user can input. This is often used in fields like usernames or passwords, where length constraints are common.

For <textarea>, the maxlength attribute can also be applied, but it’s less common since this element is typically used for more extended input. Instead, developers may implement character counters using JavaScript to guide users in fields with character restrictions, such as tweet-length comments.

3. Resizable Text Areas

One of the unique features of the <textarea> element is its resizable nature.

In most modern browsers, users can drag the corner of a <textarea> box to resize it, which can be particularly useful when users need more space to type. This behavior can be controlled or disabled using CSS for a more tailored user experience.

textarea {
  resize: none;


Choosing between <input type="text"> and <textarea> depends on the nature of the input required. While both elements are fundamental to web forms, their distinct features make them suitable for different tasks. The <input type="text"> element is perfect for concise, single-line text input, making it ideal for fields like names, passwords, or search boxes.

On the other hand, the <textarea> element excels in handling multi-line text, making it the go-to choice for detailed responses, comments, or any situation where users need more space to express themselves.

By understanding the differences between these two HTML elements, web developers can create more intuitive and user-friendly forms, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

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