7 Best JavaScript Course on Udemy in 2024 - onlyxcodes

Wednesday 3 November 2021

7 Best JavaScript Course on Udemy in 2024

You've almost finished HTML and CSS, have learned a lot of knowledge about them, and are ready to go on.

If you've inculcated what you've learned about HTML and CSS in your mind, then JavaScript is the next best step for you.

Because JavaScript programming will assist you in learning JavaScript and developing your web development skills.

So I'd like to assist you in starting up with JavaScript and mastering it.

In this post, I'll show you the online 7 best JavaScript courses on Udemy in 2024 and help you select the best one for you.

Let's have a look at some JavaScript before we go into the courses.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is the web's front-end language, and it's truly one of the most widely used programming languages of all time. JavaScript has become an essential aspect of coding because it is the only language that runs in every browser.

You can use JavaScript to create web and mobile apps, command-line tools, and games as a developer.

Understanding the Importance of JavaScript

JavaScript serves as the cornerstone of front-end web development, making it one of the most widely used programming languages in existence. 

It plays a vital role in web interactivity, enabling developers to dynamically update content, incorporate multimedia, and add animated features to websites. 

Furthermore, JavaScript powers popular web development frameworks like Angular, React, Node JS, and jQuery. A strong grasp of JavaScript is essential for utilizing these tools effectively. 

With the advent of Node.js, JavaScript is even employed as a server-side language. This makes JavaScript proficiency invaluable for front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers alike. 

In fact, comprehensive JavaScript knowledge can significantly enhance your chances of securing a desirable web development job.

Let's get started with the courses now that we've covered JavaScript importance.

Table Content

1. The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert

2. JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2023 (Beginner + Advanced)

3. Modern JavaScript From The Beginning 2.0 - 2023 Revamp

4. JavaScript Basics for Beginners

5. JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

6. JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (2023 Update)

7. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp

1. The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert!

This is Udemy's most comprehensive JavaScript course. It's an all-in-one bundle that will teach you everything you need to know about JavaScript, from the fundamentals to creating current and complicated apps.

Step-by-step, you'll learn modern JavaScript from the bottom up. This course will walk you through a variety of useful and enjoyable code examples, as well as important theories on how JavaScript works behind the scenes and stylish and full projects.

You'll also learn how to think like a developer, design application features, architect your code, debug code, and a variety of other real-world skills that you'll need on the job as a developer.

This is the highest-rated (1st rank) course on Udemy. I highly recommend you enroll in this course.

The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert - best javascript course on udemy

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

udemy javascript course free

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • Variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and other JavaScript foundations

  • From the base up, become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer.

  • Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, and other features of modern OOP.

  • Create six stunning real-world projects to add to your portfolio.

  • A look at the event loop, promises, async/await, and error handling in asynchronous JavaScript. With AJAX calls, you'll use these to get data from third-party APIs.

  • From the start, modern ES6+ included arrow functions, destructuring, the spread operator, and optional chaining (ES2020).

  • Keywords, higher-order functions, closures, and other complex concepts

  • NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules are modern technologies for 2021 and beyond.

  • How to use flowcharts and common patterns to architect your code


  • Up-to-date, high-definition videos that are simple to find and reference

  • This course is designed in a modular format with design routes that will help you complete the course more quickly.

  • For each section, there is a startup code and a final code that may be downloaded.

  • Not boring downloadable slides for 40+ theoretical videos

  • In the course Q&A, you'll get free assistance.

  • 25+ code tasks and assignments with solutions to help you practice your new skills


  • A bit tedious in the beginning, cause too many of the details made you get lost a bit in coding.

  • The instructor late reply your questions answers

Who this course is for:

  • If you want to learn JavaScript in-depth, this is the course for you.

  • You've been attempting to learn JavaScript but: 1) aren't sure what you're doing, or 2) aren't sure if you're ready to develop actual apps.

  • If you aim to use a library/framework such as React, Angular, VueJS, or NodeJS in the future.

  • If you already know JavaScript and want to learn more, this is the course for you. Expert subjects are covered in this course.

  • If you want to learn to program, take this course: JavaScript is an excellent starter language.

Conclusion: Unlike other courses, this one covers topics for beginners, intermediates, advanced students, and even experts, so you won't need to purchase another course to learn JavaScript from scratch.

2. JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2023 (Beginner + Advanced)

This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date JavaScript course available.

This course covers everything from the fundamentals through advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties, as well as advanced subjects like performance optimization and testing.

It's a large course because it's jam-packed with useful knowledge and data.

To gain a better overview of all the topics covered in the course, I recommend you check out the full course curriculum.

JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2021 (Beginner + Advanced)

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

javascript course online

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • From beginner to advanced, learn JavaScript from the scratch.

  • All of the key features and concepts for modern JavaScript development.

  • Object-Oriented Programming

  • Using JavaScript to manipulate web pages

  • Prototypes, JavaScript engines, and how it all works behind the scenes are all covered in depth.

  • HTTP requests, event handling, and asynchronous scripting.

  • Testing, security, and deployment

  • Everything you'll need to become an expert in JavaScript and apply for JavaScript jobs is right here.


  • Examples, demos, projects, assignments, quizzes, and, of course, videos are available.

  • You'll learn the most recent syntax right away, as well as the older one, so you may work on any JS project.

  • ALL of the fundamentals, as well as the deep learning core concept of JS

  • Exercises are good

  • In addition, you'll learn about automated testing in this course.


  • Goes a bit fast

Who this course is for:

  • Students who are beginners to web programming and have no or small experience with JavaScript.

  • Developers who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and wish to learn more.

  • Complex JavaScript developers who wish to explore further advanced ideas and understand more about the details of internal details.

  • Everyone wants to know more about JavaScript and how it works.

3. Modern JavaScript From The Beginning 2.0 - 2023 Revamp

This course is definitely worth looking at if you want to advance your JavaScript abilities or if you're just getting started.

For understanding the basics of JavaScript, this course—especially with the 2023 redesign—is more than sufficient.

This course is well-organized, and it is taught using a practical method with many projects that reflect current trends and standards. 

Learning any JavaScript frontend or backend framework, such as React or NodeJS, would be relatively simple and understandable after taking this course.

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

udemy javascript course free

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • Discover the basics of JavaScript.

  • Learn how to use the document object model and events.

  • Object Oriented Programming.

  • Find out how JavaScript works.

  • Learn how to use Webpack, Node, Express, and MongoDB in a full-stack project.

  • Ajax, Callbacks, Promises, and other asynchronous JavaScript features should be learned.

  • Learn how to create 10+ mini-projects and 5 real-world projects.


  • Great material for both professionals and beginners.

  • The assignments are challenging enough to keep you interested while the content is well-organized. 

  • Through this course, you can develop solid JavaScript fundamentals.

  • The explanation is clear and very detailed.


  • Require to update projects.

Who this course is for:

  • People who want to learn modern JavaScript from beginner to expert levels, including tooling and setting up a modern workflow.

4. JavaScript Basics for Beginners

This course is a great place to start if you want to learn the basics of JavaScript.

The fundamentals of JavaScript's internal workings as well as useful libraries and functions are covered in this course.

You will learn the foundational programming abilities required of any developer in this course. 

This course is fantastic for improving your knowledge of JavaScript.

If you're new to JavaScript, this is the best JavaScript course for you.

JavaScript Basics for Beginners

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

javascript basics for beginners online udemy course

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • Learn about the fundamentals of JavaScript.

  • Create reliable JavaScript code.

  • Avoid the errors and mistakes that other JavaScript developers take.

  • Develop your problem-solving skills.


  • Very clear explanations and useful examples.

  • Pretty helpful for someone just learning JavaScript.

  • Concepts are simply and clearly pointed out, which is really useful.


  • This course requires to include basic projects.

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone who wants to become a web developer.

  • Existing developers who need to improve their knowledge of JavaScript.

5. JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

This course will provide you with a thorough grasp of Javascript, including how it works behind the scenes and how that knowledge may help you avoid common errors and greatly increase your debugging abilities.

Objects and object literals, function expressions, prototype inheritance, functional programming, scope chains, function constructors plus new ES6 features, immediately invoked function expressions, call, apply, bind, and other advanced concepts will be covered in this course.

This course will help you become a better Javascript developer by improving your skills in AngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery, React, and other Javascript-based technologies.

JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

best javascript course free

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • Understand how Javascript works and the core concepts behind it.

  • Make sure your Javascript code is efficient and well-written.

  • Improve your ability to debug errors in Javascript dramatically

  • Closes, prototypal inheritance, immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs), and other advanced concepts are covered.

  • Learn how to analyze the source code of well-known Javascript frameworks.

  • Create your Javascript library or framework.


  • You will also get downloadable source code as part of this course.

  • The next version of Javascript, ECMAScript 6 (ES6), is covered in this course.

  • Content that is both engaging and remarkable, as well as very clear explanations.

  • The basic principles that are the building blocks for understanding newer frameworks and libraries were covered.

  • For intermediate JavaScript learners, this is an excellent learning resource.


  • For an experienced developer, it's a little slow, but it's essential knowledge.

  • It's a little out of date, but it's still a good course that covers the basics of JS.

Who this course is for:

  • Those who want to increase their Javascript skills.

  • Javascript coders, both new and experienced, who want to learn more about the language.

  • Anywho has struggled to grasp concepts such as object prototypes, closures, and other sophisticated notions.

  • Those who have faced unexpected errors when creating Javascript would like to understand why and how to overcome them.

  • Those who want to learn from the source code of other well-known frameworks and libraries, or who want to develop their frameworks.

6. JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (2023 Update)

With the help of this course, you will learn JavaScript from scratch and be able to teach that knowledge to others.

The majority of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript are covered in this course.

The best courses, tools, and resources have been combined to create the best JavaScript course ever, which will teach you all you need to know to be a Senior Javascript Developer.

This course provides excellent review modules for JavaScript at the beginning and intermediate levels.

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

best javascript course free

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • Object Oriented Programming.

  • Learn higher-order functions and functional programming.

  • Take a look at the JavaScript Engine, Runtime, Interpreter, Compiler, and JIT Compiler.

  • Up-to-date features include ES6, ES 7, ES 8, ES 9, ES 10, ES 2020, ES2021, and ES 2022.

  • Learn JavaScript Asynchronous and Event Loop.

  • Learn how to handle errors.

  • Learn JavaScript best practices and the 'this' keyword.


  • All solutions are available in Q&A.

  • The more complex JavaScript principles are covered and clearly explained.

  • This course's structure and resources are excellent.

  • The instructor bases her lessons on years of practical case study expertise.


  • Require to include more practical exercises.

Who this course is for:

  • Graduates of boot camps or online tutorials who wish to advance beyond the fundamentals.

  • Junior JavaScript Developers.

  • Junior Web Developers.

  • Programmers who want to go deep and don't want to waste time on the basics.

 7. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp

This course starts from the beginning and builds your knowledge of the JavaScript language, including all of its capabilities.

This course covers all of the new ES6 and ES7 JavaScript features that are often utilized in the real world.

This course will show you how to create and deploy JavaScript web applications.

From the first line of code to the final deployed app, you'll see how to launch a JavaScript application.

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

javascript course online

Certification: Available

Skill You’ll Learn:

  • Learn everything there is to know about JavaScript's internal workings.

  • Examine the most splitting ES6 and ES7 features.

  • By creating three real-world web applications, you will learn JavaScript.

  • You'll learn how to publish your application to the web so that everyone may use it.

  • With asynchronous JavaScript, learn how to use Promises and Async/Await.

  • When errors occur, learn how to debug and fix your code.


  • Concepts are explained clearly, with helpful examples, and are simple to use.

  • For the issues, the Q&A feature is useful.

  • The structure of this course is great.

  • When this course is over, you'll be prepared to use frameworks.


  • Explanations sometimes are rapid. 

  • Some stuff is outdated but overall a useful course.

Who this course is for:

  • This course recommended for beginners

  • People who are just getting started with JavaScript.

  • People who are already familiar with JavaScript and wish to learn more about it. This is the course for them.

  • This course is for anyone who wishes to launch an application using JavaScript.

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